We offer a range of benefits to our members, depending on your membership level

Join your union and you will also help support our negotiating, campaigning and other work


Full Membership StyleFull Member benefits: Free contract vetting, support and advice, weekly ebulletin, member discounts, member events (including free screenings), WGGB pension scheme, entry in the Find A Writer directory, Members’ Area of the website, free and discounted training, Welfare Fund. Full Members are also eligible to apply for Cannes Accreditation and to pay no joining fee for the Writers Guild of America, East or West (if they are eligible for membership).

Candidate Membership StyleCandidate Member benefits: Free contract vetting, support and advice, weekly ebulletin, member discounts, member events (including free screenings), Members’ Area of the website, Free and discounted training, Welfare Fund (in exceptional circumstances).

Student Membership StyleStudent Member benefits: Weekly ebulletin including jobs and competition alerts, member discounts, member events (including free screenings), Members’ Area of the website, free and discounted training.

Affiliate Membership StyleAffiliate Member benefits: Support and advice, weekly ebulletin, member discounts, member events (including free screenings), Members’ Area of the website, free and discounted training. Affiliate Membership is available to agents, technical advisers, consultants and others involved in a professional relationship with writers, including Higher Educational professionals working in creative writing departments. We ask that the membership is held in the name of one lead contact, but the member benefits are available to up to three professionals in each joining organisation. In addition, Higher Educational professionals are eligible to join our Higher Education Network, and to advertise jobs vacancies in our weekly ebulletin. Affiliate Members are also able to receive a visit from a WGGB member of staff.
