Pension scheme
The WGGB pension scheme is open to Full Members writing in the areas of TV, radio and film
If it is a BBC in-house contract, the percentages are applied to the actual writer’s fee (not including advances, attendance fees or format payments). There is a cap of £18,630, which could come into play if it is a single contract commissioning a highly paid writer to deliver several scripts.
BBC Radio contributions are dependent on the amount of transmissions included in the initial fee. If there is one transmission included in the initial fee, then the contribution percentages (see below) are based on 100% of the initial fee. If there are two transmissions included in the initial fee, then the contributions (see below) are based on 60% of the initial fee.
If it is an ITV or PACT contract the percentages are applied to the minimum fee in the relevant WGGB agreement. Minimum fees are re-negotiated regularly, so agents/producers/writers need to check the Rates and rights section of this website to see what the current rate is for the relevant agreement.
In all cases these are minima and there is no reason why an agent should not negotiate higher pension contributions. However, this is seldom done as the energy goes into negotiating the highest achievable basic fee.
Members of the Writers’ Guild Pension Fund (who are also current WGGB members) are entitled, by WGGB’s minimum terms agreements for TV and Radio, to require the BBC, ITV, Channel 4 or an independent production company to pay the writer’s contribution (taken directly from the writer’s script fee) along with an employer’s contribution direct to his/her pension fund.
The agreed Employer’s Contribution currently stands at:
BBC TV: 7.5%
ITV: 7.5%
Channel 4 or Independent Production Company: 6.8%
Feature Film: 6.0%
TAC*: 6.0%
The agreed Writer’s Contribution currently stands at:
BBC TV: 5.0%
ITV: 5.0%
Channel 4 or Independent Production Company: 4.5%
Feature Film: 4.0%
TAC*: 4.0%
*Pobol y Cwm rates are per the BBC TV agreement
Pension contributions
Producers/broadcasters should send pension payments to Brian Cook, Aviva, Pomona Business Centre, 6 Pear Street Sheffield, S11 8JJ. Please include the policy number on the back of the cheque and a covering letter with the name and address of the WGGB pension holder (writer).
BACS payments can be made by phoning 0800 068 6800. The policy number will be required as this will be used as the reference for the payment.
To pay via BACS, please use the following details:
Bank: HSBC
Account number: 61224662
Sort Code: 40-02-50
Ref: Use the member’s Aviva policy number
In addition to cheque or direct debit, policy holders (writers) can pay their pension contributions by card over the phone to the Pension Plans department: 0800 068 6800.
Pension FAQs for members can be found in the Members’ Area