We are the trade union for writers in TV, film, theatre, audio, books, poetry, comedy, animation and videogames

Join our growing community to win better rates and rights for writers and campaign for a fairer industry

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Campaigns and policy

We are a campaigning union – and writers get involved to power change. Our policy work ensures that the views and experiences of working writers are shared with decision-makers across Government and the creative industries, supporting our campaigns to improve writers’ terms and conditions

WGGB member networks, training workshops, film screenings and industry events

WGGB events

We run lots of free events for writers, many of them online and open to non-members too. Find out details and register for upcoming events, plus access videos of past events (where we have recorded them) too ...

Member benefits

Free contract vetting, exclusive events, film screenings, industry discounts and more.

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Our members

Here’s what some of our members have to say about their reasons for joining WGGB

Tony Simon Annand

“We writers tend to be rather solitary people, and it can be easy to rip us off. It makes sense that we have a unified voice and agreements that can protect our interests, particularly at this time of dizzyingly complex new technologies.”

Tony Robinson

Alan Ayckbourn

“I belong to the Writers’ Guild because it is important that new young writers have a voice that represents them and looks after their interests. Given my years of age and experience combined with a first class agent, my concerns are looked after – not so those writers who are entering the profession. Hence my membership and support of the Writers’ Guild. We cannot afford to lose it.”

Alan Ayckbourn CBE

Gurpreet Kaur Bhatti

“I believe in the union movement and the power of a collective voice to shout loudly for the good of all.”

Gurpreet Kaur Bhatti

Jack Thorne

“I’m proud to be a member of the Writers’ Guild, I consider it the greatest of clubs. One that seeks to represent not just one but all, and to further our interests as a collective.”

Jack Thorne

Laura Wade

“I’m a member because I’m glad the Writers’ Guild exists, and its existence should be celebrated. The Guild continues to do hugely important work for all of us, and as a freelance worker, it’s very empowering to know you’ve got such a strong organisation behind you.”

Laura Wade
