Keyboard with AI button

Using AI as a research and writing tool – the risks

WGGB has raised concerns about AI in our policy position statement Writers and AIThese include copyright infringement, the use of writers’ work without their permission, a lack of adequate regulation from the Government, decreased job opportunities for writers and the suppression of writer pay.

We also believe that while developments are happening very fast, AI will never be able to match the originality, authenticity, enthusiasm and humanity that professional writers put into their storytelling.

We are aware, too, that if used in an ethical, transparent and responsible way, there are potential benefits – including allowing writers to diversify and increase their income streams and sustain a writing career, as well as use generative AI as a research and writing tool.

The latter however comes with some risks, which is why we have produced a short guideline to protect yourself if you are intending to use AI as a writing or research tool. Importantly, this will also ensure you don’t undermine other creators’ rights in the process.

You can read the guidance here.

WGGB members can also contact for individual support and advice.
