We secure better pay and working conditions for writers via the national agreements we negotiate with employers and umbrella organisations – these include broadcasters like the BBC and ITV, theatre management bodies such as UK Theatre and ITC, and Pact, which represents the independent production sector

We increasingly operate in the digital domain and our most recent agreement with Netflix covers writers’ pay on the streaming platform.

Our agreements are known as ‘minimum terms’ agreements as they set the amount of pay (or repeat fees, royalties, pension contributions, expenses and so on) that the employer must pay – though writers and their agents are free (and often do) negotiate more than this.

Where we don’t have national agreements in place (for example in books, animation, videogames and musical theatre), we set best practice for writers and those who employ them, with a range of free guidance covering recommended pay and many other rights which we believe writers are entitled to.

We campaign and lobby on a wide range of issues that affect writers and the creative industries in which they work, effecting change alone or via the many organisations we are affiliated with – whether that’s in Westminster and the devolved parliaments, or on the international stage.
