We run lots of free events for writers, many of them online and open to non-members too. Find out details and register for upcoming events

WGGB Member Networks

Writers from under-represented groups can meet, network, share experiences and discuss issues relating to writing and the creative industries in a safe space

View the schedule and book
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WGGB member training

We run free online workshops to support you in your writing profession – build your brand as a writer, hone your TikTok skills, take first steps with Final Draft, and get to grips with your tax affairs (plus much more!)

Find out more and book
Zoom screen and cup of coffee

WGGB industry events

‘Life after soaps’, ‘Who would brave the writers’ room?’ and ‘Protect your copyright’ are just some of our recent events. Most events are online but we do run occasional in-person and networking events in your region

View videos and book upcoming events

Free film screenings

Thanks to our links with the entertainment industry we are delighted to be able to offer our members free film screenings. These are in-person and online and often feature Q&As with high-profile writers, directors and cast

Read more about free film screenings
Writers' Guild Awards