Our policy work ensures that the views and experiences of working writers are shared with decision-makers across Government and the creative industries both nationally and internationally, supporting our campaigns to improve writers’ terms and conditions

Our work includes:

  • Undertaking and supporting research which provides detailed insights into the working lives of writers, helping us to produce detailed briefings on issues of concern.
  • Producing briefings for members, highlighting the impact of proposed changes to legislation or regulation.
  • Providing evidence to Government consultations and Select Committee inquiries on issues that affect writers – for example, on the Industrial Strategy, AI and Copyright, and Film and High-End TV.
  • Meeting with civil servants, Government departments and agencies and arms-length bodies (such as the Arts Councils, BFI and Ofcom) to discuss issues within the industry and propose change where necessary.
  • Developing relationships with Parliamentarians from across the political spectrum and keeping them informed on matters of importance for writers.
  • Attending events in Westminster, and the devolved Parliaments (our Wales and Scotland Branches take a leading role in this).
  • Working with All-Party Parliamentary Groups such as the All Party Writers Group and the Performers’ Alliance which bring together peers and MPs, and work closely with arts and entertainment unions such as the Musicians’ Union and Equity.
  • Working collaboratively with other unions and stakeholder groups such as the Federation of Entertainment Unions, the British Copyright Council, the Creators’ Rights Alliance and others to share information and identify areas of shared concern.
  • Playing an active role in the International Affiliation of Writers Guilds and the Federation of Screenwriters in Europe.

View statements / joint letters WGGB has supported and signed

  • As part of the Creative Rights in AI Coalition WGGB supported this joint statement in response to the Government consultation on copyright and AI
  • Read the letter we signed to software developers on generative AI as part of the Creators’ Rights Alliance

View WGGB reports and joint reports

View WGGB policy position statements

View WGGB’s manifesto 


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