WGGB has a fund held in trust for helping members who suffer urgent financial difficulties

The money has been donated over many years by members and friends of WGGB, and an expert committee takes decisions on applications for help. Loans or grants are made to members who cannot meet debt repayments or have no money to pay business costs, household expenses or their WGGB subscriptions.

One recipient wrote: “My deepest thanks for the £500. This money has paid three months of homecare bills and telephone charges and kept the wolf from the door.”

The Welfare Fund operates guidelines to ensure the money is put to the best use. The main ones are:

  • The main focus is on emergencies and the unexpected.
  • Grants and loans are limited to £1,000 except in exceptional circumstances.
  • The Fund helps writers who have been members of WGGB for at least two years.
  • The Welfare Fund does not pay tax bills or consider applications for ongoing liabilities.

You can download our Welfare Fund leaflet/application form (with full eligibility criteria) here.

Either fill in the downloaded form using your computer and email it to welfare@writersguild.org.uk or download it, print it out and send the completed and signed form to Welfare Fund, WGGB, 1st Floor, 134 Tooley Street, London SE1 2TU.

For further information, email welfare@writersguild.org.uk

If you would like to make a donation to the fund, you can find all the details here.
