We are a member-led, democratic organisation and member activism is at the heart of what we do. Our members value being part of a vibrant community of fellow writers who work collectively to achieve change for the benefit of all UK writers

Our governing body – our Executive Council – is made up of elected volunteer members just like you, who chair our national, regional, craft and equality and diversity committees.

The Executive Council meets regularly to vote on and set strategy for the union, while individual committees are involved in hands-on activity such as networking events, negotiations and campaigns.

Elections to the Executive Committee take place every year prior to our Annual General Meeting. Each year we email members details of current vacancies and how you can stand for election.

You don’t have to be elected to sit on one of our committees – just email the relevant Chair via the ‘Our people‘ section of our website to find out more.

All members are invited to the Annual General Meeting – and you will be emailed each year with details of how to attend. Since Covid-19 AGMs have been taking place on Zoom. Come along to hear more about your union, meet our Officers and vote on and steer the direction of your union.

