These are the questions most frequently asked by people contacting the WGGB Head Office

Disclaimer: WGGB is not responsible for content on external websites linked to from this page. Content on external sites is subject to change. If in doubt, contact the WGGB Head Office or seek other professional advice.

The annual Writers’ Guild Awards are currently on pause while they are being reviewed. Questions about the awards can be emailed to:

You can also check out awards announcements in the News section of this website

WGGB recommends a minimum of £250+ per day (pro rata if you are working for half days etc). Your talks/speeches/lectures are your valuable intellectual property and all a part of how a writer earns his or her living. You might well use the same talk at different events in different locations for many months if not years. You might want to think very carefully about letting your talks be recorded as podcasts or for internet use for free. If it’s widely available, it could devalue your talks for future use. And if you so choose, you can put your talks online yourself, either for your own promotion or profit. Don’t sign any contract you’re unsure of without referring to your agent or, if you don’t have one and you are a WGGB member, our Head Office.

Producers/broadcasters should send pension payments to:

FAO Brian Cook Aviva, Pomona Business Centre, 6 Pear Street, Sheffield, S11 8JJ.

Please include the policy number on the back of the cheque and a covering letter with the name and address of the WGGB pension holder (writer) and the amount to be credited to their pension scheme.

BACS payments can also be made, by phoning 0800 068 6800 (the policy number will be required as this will be used as the reference for the payment).

Full Members of WGGB have free access to our credit arbitration service

There is lots of advice online about writing treatments, for example the BBC Writers Room website.

There is no set procedure. Try the BBC Writersroom for more information, or contact the production company in question.

Full Members of WGGB can be contacted via our Find A Writer online directory if they have uploaded a profile.

An option is when you sign a contract giving the rights over a script to a production company for a set period of time. We generally advise members not to sign options unless they feel they are getting full value for their work. We are unable to offer non-members specific advice about options.

WGGB is not able to offer specific advice about funding. For film the UK Film Council might be able to help. For theatre, novels and poetry you could try Arts Council EnglandCreative ScotlandArts Council of Wales or The Arts Council of Northern Ireland, depending on where you live.

WGGB has several different categories of membership, suitable for writers of all levels of experience. Find out more about how to join and what you get in return

There are no current minimum rates agreements in these areas.

WGGB cannot offer advice about script writing courses – there are lots of them and unfortunately we are not in the position to comment about which are the best.

No, WGGB does not provide a script reading service.

WGGB does not help writers find agents or publishers and does not act as an agent, publisher or production company. Information about getting an agent or publisher can be found in Writers’ And Artists’ Yearbook.

For general advice about becoming a TV or radio writer, try the BBC Writersroom. A general web search should also provide lots of helpful articles.

WGGB does not believe that registering a script gives you any significant protection from copyright infringements in this country. However, if you wish to register your script both the Writers Guild of America, West and the Writers Guild of America, East offer the service for a fee, as does The Script Vault in the UK.

As an author you automatically have copyright over your script, unless you assign it to someone else. You do not have to go through any formal procedure – if you wrote it, and you have not infringed someone else’s copyright, then the copyright is yours. Copyright means that no one can use your work without your permission.

As an author you also have moral rights over what you have written, unless you waive them in a contract. Moral rights include the right to be identified as the author or director of a work as appropriate, the right to object to the derogatory treatment of a work and the right to object to false attribution of a work.

There is more information on UK copyright law on the websites of the UK GovernmentBritish Copyright CouncilIntellectual Property Office and Authors’ Licensing and Collecting Society.

WGGB members can contact the office for advice about copyright. We are not able to give any advice to non-members.

All Full and Candidate Members of WGGB are entitled to use our free contract vetting service.

You can find details of WGGB agreed minimum rates on the Rates and rights page.

The pension scheme is open to Full Members of WGGB writing for TV, radio and film and can enable you to get contributions from employers such as ITV and the BBC.

Members are unable to update their membership details (eg change of address) on the WGGB website. To let us know a change of address, or any other changes, please email 
