A wave of international #WorldAgainstRacism events will mark UN Antiracism Day on Saturday 20 March 2021.
Trade unionists are joining activities around the globe and here are some ways you can get involved:
- Download this poster, take your picture with it and tag @Antiracismday on Twitter using the hashtags #NoRacismNoFascism and #WorldAgainstRacism; tag @StandUTR on Facebook and @Standuptoracismuk on Instagram.
- Record a short video message on the challenges we face in fighting racism and fascism, the importance of being united, international solidarity, and anything else you would like to highlight, and share it on social media using the hashtags above.
- Invite your family and friends to attend this event on Facebook on 20 March.
- Find out more information on this special Stand Up To Racism website.