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WGGB member networks 

Writers from under-represented writing groups can meet, network, share experiences and discuss issues relating to writing and the creative industries in a safe space, thanks to WGGB’s series of member networks. 

The networks have been spearheaded by WGGB’s Equality and Diversity Committee and the issues raised may inform its work in future. The networks are not formal committees or subcommittees in themselves, and no notes or recordings are taken.  

The Equality and Diversity Committee plans for each group to meet approximately every six months – check the schedule below for what we’ve got coming up. 

Please contact john@writersguild.org.uk if you have any access needs or further questions.

Schedule for 2024 – all 5-6pm, via Zoom

(Registration closes a week before each meeting takes place – check below for exact registration deadlines)

LGBT+ Network

Met on 21 February

Challenging Sexism Network

Met on 13 March

25 September (register here). Registration deadline 18 September.

Challenging Ageism

Met on 24 April

Deaf, Disabled and Neurodivergent Member Network

Met on 20 March 

24 July (register here). Registration deadline 17 July.

18 September (register here). Registration deadline 11 September.

11 December (register here). Registration deadline 4 December.

Writers of Colour Network

Met on 1 May

2 October (register here). Registration deadline 25 September.

Returning Writers Network

Met on 5 June

22 January 2025 (register here). Registration deadline 15 January 2025.

Challenging Class Privilege Network

Met on 3 July

6 November (register here). Registration deadline 30 October.

