Student Membership of WGGB is offered at the discounted rate of £30 per year (compared to £198 per year for Full Membership). It is open to students aged 18 or over on a BA level course or below. Those students who are members of university or college writing clubs and societies but who are not studying a creative writing degree or course are still eligible to join. Students who don’t meet these eligibility criteria are able to join WGGB as Candidate Members for £108 per year or £9 per month.

Student Membership is payable by one annual payment of £30, by credit/debit card or PayPal, here.

WGGB has introduced Student Membership to support writers at the outset of their careers and to ensure their voices are represented. Student Members also receive a range of benefits.

Please help us spread the world about Student Membership on social media by using the following social media flyers and the hashtag #wggbstudents

Instagram flyer

Wggb Student Instagram 768x768









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Twitter flyer

Wggb Student Twitter 768x384





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Facebook flyer

Wggb Student Facebook 768x403





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