Zero Tolerance sign

Sexual misconduct, harassment and bullying at work – a statement 

We are aware that our members may have been affected by reports in the media in the past week arising from allegations against Noel Clarke.

WGGB condemns sexual misconduct, harassment and bullying in the creative industries and has been campaigning on these issues for a number of years, as well as supporting members directly.

Everyone should have the right to work in a safe environment, and be treated with dignity and respect.

We have put together some resources to support our members below, and want to reassure our members that we are always here for them.

  • WGGB’s job as a trade union is to represent its members and provide them with support in any workplace issues they face – whether that’s legal advice with contracts, or supporting and advising members who may be experiencing bullying or harassment or other issues in the course of their work. We have lots of experience in this area, so if you are a WGGB member don’t hesitate to come forward. Your case will be kept in the strictest confidence. Email
  • We also have the Report It! service on our website which is open to WGGB members and non-members alike where you can report bad practice in the industry. Access it here.
  • The Film & TV Charity have a Support Line, open 24/7. Call on 0800 054 0000 or use the chat function via their contact us page.
  • SOLT and UK Theatre have a free confidential helpline for theatre professionals. Call 0800 915 4617 or go to 
  • We have put together a range of mental health support resources on our website.
  • Find out about our Creating Without Conflict joint campaign with other entertainment unions against bullying, harassment and discrimination in the creative industries.
  • We have formed relationships with other organisations in the creative industries who are tackling these issues and will continue to work with them, and advise them, on behalf of our members.

