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This is for Student Members who wish to renew their membership. If you are now eligible for Full Membership (see eligibility criteria below) you will need to upgrade your membership. Student Members who are not eligible for Full Membership can choose to upgrade to Candidate Membership which enables you to access our free contract vetting service, plus support and advice, on top of your existing package of benefits. Student Membership costs £30 per year, payable in one instalment. Candidate Membership costs £108 per year and can be paid in a single annual payment or by monthly Direct Debit (£9 per month).

Thank you for your continued support of WGGB, your union.

Existing members please log in to proceed with your renewal.

Eligibility for Full Membership

A Full Member shall be any person 18 years of age and over who has achieved one or more of the following statuses, subject to the discretion of the Executive Council

  1. Has written one or more pieces of work under contract for which payment has been received at or above the minimum rates as defined by the current agreements negotiated by the Guild.
  2. Has received a gross income from non-journalistic writing in any single year which totals more than the amount defined in Appendix F (£5,000).
  3. Under exceptional circumstances, at the discretion of the relevant Craft Committee as approved by the Executive Council

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