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Rates rises for ITV and BBC audio drama writers

Following negotiations with the BBC and ITV, we have secured a 3% rise in minimum fees for screenwriters under our ITV/STV/PMA agreement, and a 1.5% rise on minimum fees for audio writers under our BBC radio drama agreement.

You can view the new ITV rate card here.

You can view the new BBC radio drama rate card here.

WGGB General Secretary Ellie Peers said: “We continue to work hard for writers across all our different craft areas and our negotiations are happening with employers all the time – to ensure that writers are properly remunerated for their vital contributions, whether that’s on screen, stage, page or across our airwaves.”

These rises come on top of a recent rise on minimum fees for playwrights working under our UK Theatre and TNC Agreements; a 10% rise for BBC screenwriters and a renegotiation of our Script Agreement for Television and Online; plus a new deal on remuneration we negotiated with Netflix – the first of its kind for writers in the UK. Watch this space for further negotiating news!

