Published on: Monday January 8, 2024

Today, those rights are under attack again via the Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Act, which received royal assent last summer. WGGB has supported the TUC against the legislation. The union movement is coming together in a march and rally led by PCS union South West branch in Cheltenham on Saturday 27 January, to commemorate the victory of the sacked GCHQ workers four decades ago and to oppose the Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Act, trade union restrictions and any threat to the right to strike.If you are a WGGB member based in our Wessex region, or would like to travel to take part in the march and rally, please contact Joe Abel on will be able to give you details of how to book a seat on a coach and how to meet up with other WGGB members taking part in the march. He will also be able to help support you with WGGB placards.If you are planning to attend the march and rally, please register in advance. You can also post your photos and videos from the march on social media. Be sure to tag us on X @TheWritersGuild and on Instagram @writersguildgb so we can share them too.If you can’t attend on the day, you can still support the event on social media (find out more).
