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A membership organisation that represents the interests of all writers and safeguards their intellectual property rights. Collects revenues due to writers. The website has a useful section on copyright.
Alliance of Independent Authors
Non-profit, professional business membership organisation for self-publishing authors, providing advice, guidance and a range of resources within a welcoming community
Arts Council England
Champions, develops and invests in artistic and cultural experiences that enrich people’s lives. The website has an extensive Advice & Guidance section and full details on how to apply for funding.
Arvon Foundation
A charity that runs five-day residential creative writing courses and retreats in rural writing houses. UK residents who cannot afford the full course fee are encouraged to apply for one of Arvon’s grants or awards which are allocated on the basis of financial need.
BBC Writersroom
Develops writers and writing talent.
British Council – Film
Includes a list of regional film agencies including Film London and Northern Film and Media.
British Film Institute
Promotes greater understanding, appreciation and access to film and moving image culture across the UK. Also awards Lottery funding to film production.
Citizens Advice Bureau
The Citizens Advice Bureau’s website provides round-the-clock access to advice on a number of issues including rights at work, health and safety, discrimination and self-employment.
Creative UK
Dedicated to the growth of the creative industries, this not-for-profit organisation mobilises public and private resources.
Creative Scotland
Public body that supports the arts, screen and creative industries across all parts of Scotland. Distributes funding and there is a useful section on the website.
Creativity Works!
Coalition which aims to kick-start a dialogue with EU policymakers about the economic and cultural contribution made by creators and the cultural and creative sectors in the digital age. The Facts and Figures section of the website has an infographic on the contribution of Europe’s creative sector to growth and jobs.
Creators' Rights Alliance
United voice for creators, made up of the major organisations representing creators in the UK (including WGGB). Resources include a guide to fees and rates for creative freelancers and a Freelance Day Rate calculator
CULT Cymru
Provides training, advice and support to people in the creative industries in Wales. The website has details of discounted training for union members, including WGGB.
English PEN
Campaigns to defend writers and readers in the UK and around the world whose human right to freedom of expression is at risk. Presents four annual awards and hosts numerous events. The PEN Atlas section of the website features literary dispatches from around the world.
European Writers’ Council
Federation of 50 organisations of professional writers and literary translators in 34 countries. Aims, objectives, statements and newsletters can be found on the website.
Federation of Entertainment Unions
Participating unions include WGGB, Equity, NUJ and the Musicians’ Union. FEU Training website offers a digital learning centre for members of those unions.
Federation of Screenwriters in Europe
A network of national and regional associations, guild and unions for writers for the screen in Europe.
Ffilm Cymru Wales
Supports Welsh or Welsh-based film writers, directors or producers with development and production funding, industry assistance and mentoring opportunities.
Film and TV Charity
24/7 help for workers in the UK screen industries on mental health, financial and professional advice, including a special bullying support service
Health and Safety Executive
Aims to reduce work-related death, injury and ill health. Website has lots of useful advice and information, including a Health and Safety Toolbox.
HMRC Starting Your Own Business e-learning course
How to register for self-employment, maintain business records, pay tax and National Insurance, and more.
Independent Theatre Council
Represents, supports and develops the professional performing arts in the UK.
International Game Developers Association
Largest non-profit organisation in the world serving all those who create videogames. Website has events, news, calendar and resources.
Intellectual Property Office
The official Government body responsible for intellectual property (IP) rights. The website has a useful Intellectual Property and Your Work section.
International Affiliation of Writers Guilds (IAWG)
International body representing guilds of professional screenwriters, including WGGB. Aims to further the cause of screenwriters worldwide by lobbying governments to adopt writer-friendly legislation, and through collective action, mutual support and common representation.
International Authors Forum
Forum for discussion where authors’ organisations can share information and take action on issues affecting authors worldwide.
National Association of Writers in Education
Aims to put creativity at the heart of education. The website has details of all the latest job opportunities and events for writers throughout the UK.
National Union of Journalists
Trade union for journalists representing a broad range of media professionals. The website has a useful section on rights and fees.
New Writing North
A resource for writers, or those interested in literature events and activities, who live in the North of England.
New Writing Scotland
An annual volume publishing poetry and prose from both emerging and established writers. The website has details of how to submit work.
New Writing South
Hub in the South East of England dedicated to inspiring, nurturing and connecting all kinds of creative writers across the region and beyond.
Advice on copyright and intellectual property for the creative sectors. Website features a useful Knowledge Bank plus there are FAQs, factsheets, podcasts and videos.
Planet Placement
albert is uniting the screen industries to make a positive environmental impact and its Planet Placement website provides a creative guide to putting the planet into programmes.
Public Lending Right
Aims to provide published authors with an easy route to register for UK and Irish PLR, a legal right to payment from Governments in both countries each time their books are borrowed from public libraries.
Industry-led sills charity for the screen industries providing insight, career development and other opportunities to help grow and sustain a skilled and inclusive workforce
Society of Authors
Represents writers, illustrators and literary translators. Administers a number of grants and prizes for writers and full details are available on the website
Society for Editors and Proofreaders (now Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading)
Professional organisation featuring useful directory of editors and proofreaders to help you find these services.
The Literacy Consultancy
The UK’s first and leading editorial and manuscript assessment service. There is also a mentoring service and lots of useful information on the website. Operates the Free Reads Scheme of bursaried manuscript assessments for writers from low-income households.
The Poetry Society
A charitable organisation that represents British poetry both in the UK and abroad and provides support and information through events, publications, promotions, prizes and education.
Trades Union Congress
The national trade union centre in the UK, representing the vast majority of organised workers. The website has lots of useful information, including rights at work, health and safety and equality issues.
UK Theatre
Supports theatre and performing arts organisations and individuals.
Writers & Artists
Industry advice for writers, including expert articles, author interviews, competitions, online community and editorial services
Writers’ Centre Norwich
A national centre for writing which works with writers and readers and diverse communities on a number of projects and events. The website has a useful What’s On calendar of events and courses.
Writing West Midlands
The literature development organisation for the West Midlands. The website features lots of useful information plus a calendar of events.