Published on: Monday October 2, 2017

ITV is increasing its minimum rates for writers by 2% from 1 October 2017 following negotiations with the WGGB and the PMA (the agents’ trade association).

This means that the flagship rate for a one-hour drama goes up to ÂŁ13,785, with the rate for series/serials rising to ÂŁ10,788. For long-running series the minimum rate increases to ÂŁ3,596 per half-hour slot length.

WGGB General Secretary Ellie Peers said: “We welcome this uplift in minimum fees. This good news follows on from the recent agreement of a seven-year deal with ITV to pay writers for using their material on video-on-demand services such as ITV Hub (distributed via the Writers Digital Payments scheme).

“We have further negotiations planned with ITV to improve the terms and conditions for television screenwriters.”

