WGGB: The Writers' Union - AGM 2019

Save the date for our 2022 AGM

If you are a WGGB member then you are invited to our Annual General Meeting, which takes place online on Wednesday 6 July 2022 from 10.30am.

Our AGM is the highpoint of our year, as it allows members to vote on and steer the policy of their union, to find out what our elected Craft, National and Regional Reps and Officers have been up to, and what our plans are for the future in fighting for better rights for writers.

Last year, our second online AGM, we were delighted to welcome a record amount of members and we hope to see even more of you this year.

Members need to register for the AGM in advance and will receive details by email in due course.

AGM papers

WGGB Rule Book 2020

AGM final agenda

First notice letter

Annual report 2021-2022

WGGB Audited Accounts year ending 31 December 2021


We want our AGM to be accessible to all members.

We will have a BSL interpreter at the event. Closed captions and transcription will be automatically available throughout the meeting and there will be breaks at regular intervals. If you have any additional access requirements, please email kate@writersguild.org.uk

Main photo: Em Fitzgerald
