Jenny Davis and Bec Boey at TUC Black Workers Conference 2024

WGGB at TUC Black Workers Conference

On Saturday 27 April 2024 the TUC Black Workers Conference unanimously passed our motion calling for greater diversity in TV commissioning. WGGB delegate, Jenny Davis (above left), proposed the motion, which called for the TUC to support our work in ending the practice of writers being engaged as ‘cultural consultants’, when they should be contracted as writers; for broadcasters, streamers and production companies to provide transparent data, and for writers of colour to be engaged and credited at the same proportion of the national population.

Our motion was seconded by Equity, with Prospect, NASUWT, NEU, Unison and the RMT all speaking in support.

The WGGB delegate Bec Boey (above right) also seconded Equity’s motion on censorship in the cultural and charity sectors, which was also passed.
