To talk, or not to talk? That is the question! From barks to moral choices, from silence to a thousand voices, when should you use speech in a videogame and how can you trigger it? Join a panel of experienced games writers for an evening of practical advice, tricks, traps and to dos when it comes to videogame speech design.
Pulling the Trigger – A Writer’s Guide to the Pitfalls and Practicalities of Videogame Speech Design takes place at London South Bank University on Thursday 8 December 2016 at 7pm (entry is free).
Confirmed speakers include James (Deus Ex) Swallow, Rhianna (Tomb Raider) Pratchett, Andrew (Shadow of the Beast) Walsh, Tom (Subnautica) Jubert and Ed (Brink) Stern.
After the event we’ll be heading over to the pub for further chat and networking,
Please be sure to grab your ticket on Eventbrite.
The event will take place in Keyworth Centre, London South Bank University, London SE1 6NG.
It is hosted by London South Bank University with the IGDA Game Writing SIG and Writers’ Guild of Great Britain.