
Leave a gift in your will and support the next generation of writers

If you have benefited from the work of WGGB, you might want to consider supporting us in defending writers’ rights by leaving a gift in your will.

When WGGB was formed 60 years ago, we made it our responsibility to fight for the rights of writers to be paid fairly and for their work to be treated with respect.

We are the UK’s only TUC-affiliated trade union for writers in film, TV, theatre, radio, poetry, books, animation and videogames. Our vital work involves negotiating national agreements with theatres, broadcasters and production companies to ensure that writers are respected and remunerated properly.

The rapid changes in new technology mean that as well as opportunities there are also threats to the work of writers. Investing in our skilled negotiators and staff, who are able to support and advise writers, is essential so that we can keep pace with change.

As a campaigning union, we also stay on the case with many issues such as equality and copyright – keeping the pressure up on industry, MPs, policy-makers and others, so that writers’ rights stay firmly on the agenda.

By leaving a gift to the WGGB in your will you can help us to continue to defend writers’ rights and their work. You will also be investing in the next generation of writers, and the creative industries of the future.

What if I don’t have a will?

If you haven’t already made a will, we would recommend that you contact a solicitor to help you through this process. WGGB cannot give legal advice but the Law Society has a handy online directory of solicitors searchable by postcode.

What if I’ve already made a will?

If you have already made a will, leaving a legacy to WGGB is easy. You can add a ‘codicil form’ to your will in order to make the necessary amendment. Your solicitor can help you with this simple process.

What type of gift can I leave?

There are a three main ways to leave a legacy in your will and your solicitor will be able to help you with the wording of each.

1. Residuary legacy

This is a gift of the remainder or percentage of your estate after all other legacies, including to family and friends, have been made and any debts cleared.

Residuary legacies are an effective way to divide the value of an estate between a number of people and causes that are important to you.

2. Pecuniary legacy

This is a gift of a fixed sum of money. This is a good way to leave a specific amount of money to an organisation or cause, perhaps if you want to leave a gift to fund a certain activity or item.

3. Specific legacy

This is a particular named item left as a gift in your will, for example, a piece of jewellery.

As a writer, you could also consider leaving earnings from future royalties as a gift in your will to WGGB, either on top of or instead of the legacies listed above. A former WGGB member did exactly that and it continues to provide the union with a source of income which has enabled it to expand its activity in recruitment and campaigning.

Photo: Shutterstock.com/Burdun Illiyou
