Full Membership
For the first year of Full Membership the subscription is £198, after which we have an earnings-based subscription banding system, subject to a minimum subscription of £198 and a maximum subscription of £2,000 per annum. For existing members who wish to renew their membership please go to the renewals section. Please note: you can only pay in instalments by Direct Debit.
As well as the standard WGGB member benefits Full Members can join the WGGB pension scheme, upload a Find A Writer profile, and are eligible for Cannes Accreditation and to have the joining fee waived from membership to Writers Guild of America, East and West (if they meet eligibility criteria).
Eligibility for Full Membership
A Full Member shall be any person 18 years of age and over who has achieved one or more of the following statuses, subject to the discretion of the Executive Council
- Has written one or more pieces of work under contract for which payment has been received at or above the minimum rates as defined by the current agreements negotiated by the Guild.
- Has received a gross income from non-journalistic writing in any single year which totals more than the amount defined in Appendix F (£5,000).
- Under exceptional circumstances, at the discretion of the relevant Craft Committee as approved by the Executive Council
Contact us for advice.
If you do not yet meet the criteria for Full Membership you can join WGGB as a Candidate Member or Student Member.