Published on: Tuesday January 8, 2019
Tuesday 22 January, 9.30am-1.30pm, RADA Studios, London, free.

The problem of sexual harassment for workers in the media and creative industries has long been known. But the #MeToo movement put the issue out into the open and has given many women and men the confidence to speak out. It has also forced the industry to acknowledge the problem.

Industry organisations have come together, with some producing codes of conduct. The Federation of Entertainment Unions (FEU), of which WGGB is part, has put in place new policies and resources to help their members report sexual harassment and to prevent it from happening.

Creating Without Conflict: From Disbelief to Dignity brings together the entertainment industry to discuss how far the measures and new policies are working and what more needs to be done. The FEU will be launching its updated guidance on bullying and sexual harassment and will be using the event to examine how changes to industrial practice can make our workplaces safe and for all workers to be treated with dignity.

This event will include panel sessions with employers and unions and the opportunity to discuss and debate how the creative industries are trying to create a change in culture which will eliminate sexual harassment.

Lunch will be provided.

This is no charge to attend but booking is essential and places are limited (bookings have now closed).

Find out more about the Creating Without Conflict campaign.

