Craft Representative

Tom Williams

Chair of the Film Committee

Tom Williams

I started out working in script development, but have been a full-time screenwriter for nearly 20 years. I joined the Guild in October 2015, having been successfully nobbled by Ellie Peers at the London Screenwriters’ Festival, and was immediately co-opted onto the Film Committee. Like some others, I was unsure what the Guild did, whether it was for me, and whether I had the time or even the motivation to actively participate in their activities. But since joining I have been impressed and inspired by my fellow Film Committee members, by their passionate advocation of writers’ rights in all areas – across equality, diversity, anti-harassment – and by their selfless dedication to improving conditions and pay and treatment for writers across the spectrum. I am now proud and excited to have been given the opportunity to set my own hand to the tiller for a few years.

I welcome all ideas and initiatives that will help shore up the writer’s position in the increasingly challenging film marketplace. I am always looking to rationalise policies and procedures across sectors, as film and TV and SVOD content comes together. I take a practical approach to communications and negotiations, and having worked on the other side I understand that producers have businesses to run. But if they need reminding that their businesses begin and end with the writers, then I’ll happily do that. Please contact me if you have any issues that you want brought before the Film Committee.
