sustainability keyboard

Screenwriting for Sustainability

Screenwriting for Sustainability

Delivered by BAFTA albert Consortium in partnership with the Writers’ Guild of Great Britain

Monday 20 June 2016
Princess Anne Theatre, BAFTA, 195 Piccadilly, London W1J 9LN

The evidence outlining human-induced climate change is unequivocal – the debate is how we respond to the challenges it presents us with. Whether the media industry seeks to move or mirror society will strongly influence our ability to combat climate change. Join environmental experts and leading practitioners across film and television, who will explore how the industry’s story makers might take an educated and inspired position on climate change.

Speakers include:

Ben Stewart (Head of Special Projects, Greenpeace)
Dawn King (Screenwriter, The Karman Line)
Diederick Santer (Joint CEO, Kudos)
Guy Hibbert (Screenwriter, Blood and Oil)
Jeremy Leggett (Chair, Carbon Tracker)
Jonathon Porritt CBE (Environmentalist)
Peter Scarborough (Department of Population Health, Oxford University)
Peter Webber (Director, Ten Billion)

Click here to book your free ticket


